Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Out of the Woods

Joel Achenbach, in his article Out of the Woods: Today’s Kids Can’t See the Forest for the MTV, makes a plead to parents to get their children out of the house and into nature. His thesis is that, “Children need to get in touch with their inner animals.”, meaning that he wants parents to show their children how enjoyable and good nature can be for them. He starts off the article by referencing a new book, Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv. He does this to bring in the reader’s attention and prove credibility through the use of a legitimate source. From there he goes on to explain the issue at hand: that the children of today have no desire or relation to nature. He then continues by pulling the reader in farther by relating the Nintendo and MTV society of today to the society that his intended audience grew up in. By using this comparison between the society of today and the society that the parents grew up in, he is able to help the readers understand the drastic differences and the issues that come along with them. He talks about everything from “lazy summer days” to his deciding to build a swimming pool as a child. He uses these relatable experiences to help his intended audience understand the situation. He finishes the article by explaining how he himself lives by his thesis. He explains that he always does his best to get his children out of the house-whether they’re helping him weed or going on a hike. Overall, this was a well-written article that was not only credible, but also relatable and interesting for his target audience.

1 comment:

  1. Good job using specific examples from the article to support your observations, Allison!
